Thursday 29 December 2011

Will you be living in Fear or Living in Hope?

Some people send me Fwd. Emails mostly of American origin. I usually delete these before reading them.  I have always regretted opening them, not for their often extreme political views but for their scaremongering attitudes to anything not sanitised as middle class religious right.

When we lived in America we had a family code term to describe anything that was “over the top” patriotism. “flaggety-flag” we would say to each other as a warning that here comes another stand up and put your hand on your heart moment. Oh we are so cynical about patriotism us Kiwis!
Sadly our reserve about patriotism is well supported by history. Those who trumpet patriotism and freedom often do so from a fear-driven motivation or for political gain and cannot be trusted. Hitler has had many copycats in our times.
The world is what we make it for ourselves. If we are gloomy about the future or worried about the various forces seeking world domination, we will feel powerless and futile. On the other hand we can keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and be filled with hope and make ourselves a contribution to life. True believers have always been the inventors and innovators of positive developments in the world. What will you be doing in this new year of opportunity? Hiding under the covers of negativity or welcoming possibilities?

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