Friday 9 December 2011

How far from the truth have we gone?

The Church in NZ is in a state of famine unprecedented in our time but maybe not unusual in history. People are starving for the love and reality only Jesus can provide though they are surrounded by Christian stuff everywhere.
By our “Christian” traditions we have walled in the truth. We have stylised our beliefs to accommodate and be relevant to our society and culture. We have made it so hard to see Jesus by interposing a distorted image. We have offered Jesus in various flavours and the menu is confusing. Unless we move these obstacles from the believers first, we will seem as though we do not know who we are talking about. Indeed it is hard to talk about Jesus when we are seen as presenting a narrow view from our own religious experience.

In 2 kings 6 and 7, we have a picture of famine and deliverance. 4 unlikely vagrants are the heroes: The country is under siege and people are starving. These 4 no-hopers opt for going into the enemy’s camp as they will be treated just as good or bad in the status quo. They had nothing to lose and everything to gain...
Shock horror! The move worked. There was no resistance and only blessing. They wanted to stay and soak it up but eventually they had to go and tell others. The others sent out a committee who found it was all true. The starving people rushed out of their place of famine to feast on the blessings.
The sanctimonious logic people got pushed aside. The ones who said: “it’s not for today!” The messengers were uncouth but the message was genuine.
That is how a move of God gets started! Some freaks that have nothing to lose just go there where others won’t because it might not work and they might not look good.
2 Peter is about stemming the tidal flow of false teaching driven by individuals who” wanted their cake and eat it too”! Driven by the moral landslide of their times, false teachers began to distort the gospel to fit their immoral worldly lifestyles. Peter starts out in chap 1 by reminding believers just what a wonderful salvation they have and where it all comes from. By Chapter 2 he is in full-blown rant mode, making you think “tell us what you really think Pete!”
He rounds-off in chapter 3 by saying, it will all come out in the wash, and Jesus is coming back real soon so just hang in there. What Peter missed was the principle that God always has a few “lepers” waiting in the wings who will precipitate another wave of blessing. We need those lepers right now in NZ.
NZ is a little 1950s England, trying to maintain the “best of British” but not really aware that we have become a Pacific Island Pavlova paradise held together by # 8 wire.
The spinoff of this is that we have inherited British views of religion but with a colonial flavour. We love the formal religious ceremony that puts Gods stamp of approval on things and we love our personal independence which was the driving motivation of our founders the Gold-diggers and other escapees from the dreadful conditions of the English factories. Stated another way, you could come out to the colonies, have a life and no-one would try to impose their requirements on you. Life would be one big long fishing weekend without any annoying structure or rules. We still think that way. Don’t get too serious about anything... Commitment, what’s that?
The styles of Christianity we have imported from England and America do not fit our culture well unless they are a short formal perfunctory events performed by a traditional “God- Botherer”. Our attempt at overcoming this shallow nominal formalism is to offer contemporary style churches. These are an attempt at relevance that offers a mostly low budget quality competition to other forms of diversion, entertainment and social gatherings. 
In short, we have failed to penetrate our market with either format and have become marginalized and seen as an intrusion on Kiwi freedom. It is time for a re-think. 
Where are the lepers? We are crouched waiting behind our defensive walls eating each other and wearing sackcloth. There is a spiritual famine and we feel threatened by an angry seeming populace.  We fill up our time by resorting to re-inventing ideas and truths over and over in various mediums. Asses’ heads: (new ideas from popular pundits and preachers) that really just re-invent the wheel. Also Doves dung; something long since left behind by the Holy Spirit, constitutes our diet.
Adding to our misery, we have been imposed on by a false religious clergy. These “slick vicars” teach about social-Justice and equity and other fine words as they sneer at faith, Gospel preaching “saved” believers and true worship to prop up their insincerity. For too long our nation has been lied-to by religious formalists who are perverting truth to satisfy their own logic and sinful lives to win favour with a jaded populace. The only things that will silence them are when people of the truth come out from their fears and speak loudly and often.
In King David’s time after the revolt of Absolom, the people of Judah were planning a big revival where they would set up the Kingdom under David once again. Israel was offended. They had been subjected to Saul and had become a picture of the non-spiritual kingdom of logic: Formal religion. 2 Samuel 19:40 they said: “Why did our brothers, the men of Judah, sneak the king away and help the king and his household cross the Jordan – and not only him but all of David’s men as well?” All the men of Judah replied to the men of Israel, “Because the king is our close relative! Why are you so upset about this? Have we eaten at the king’s expense? Or have we misappropriated anything for our own use?” The men of Israel replied to the men of Judah, “We have ten shares in the king, and we have a greater claim on David than you do! Why do you want to curse us? Weren’t we the first to suggest bringing back our king?” But the comments of the men of Judah were more severe than those of the men of Israel.”
It would seem that the majority of Christians in our nation actually “witnessing” or “soul-winning” are the non-charismatic Evangelicals. These are represented by OAC or EE etc. This is not an accusation of disinterest in the Gospel but a question. I think that the Pentecostal-Charismatic’s have learned to rely on the contemporary buzz and excitement of their meetings to somehow attract and draw. Add the gregarious factor of big meetings and music-based productions, and the old methods of reaching our communities seem redundant. The problem is we have become an invisible rabbit warren no better than big social or night-clubs in the eyes of the community. We fail to penetrate their consciousness.
We need a style of Christian living and gathering that will transcend both methods, by being so visibly “out-there” it will attract true commitment and obviously hot persecution. We have been playing it too safe. Such gatherings will become lightning rods to the media and attract a lot of weirdo’s also. But until we become dangerous in the perceptions of our society we continue in famine. When will they hear the sound of great army’s and flee from before us? We need some lepers to step out first.   

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