Friday, 27 July 2012

Just Passing Through

Our thirst for experience will take us to sometimes weird and wonderful places. Here's one: The St Louis Arch in St Louis Missouri USA: Incredibly there is a small 4 seat
elevator (Lift) inside of this giant stainless steel structure. When we rode to the top of the arch, we arrived at a long narrow and curved room with small windows looking out across the city on one side and the Mississippi river on the other. Yes, it sways! It was a strange experience but a great view. We could chalk it up to experience or buy the ‘T’ shirt.
Actually I have passed through this city on a number of occasions but only needed to visit the arch on the first visit. It seems that once we have had an experience of something, we feel we know enough about it to not need to experience any more.
Sadly, some of our Christian experiences suffer the same fate! We are trained by our culture to only taste some things once because it may not be as good next time. Besides, we have other experiences waiting for us further along the road. Is this why some people feel that they have to drift restlessly from Church to Church or meeting to meeting etc?
Jesus kept the “best wine till last”; too bad for those who had drifted off to other events. I read recently of a Pastors Conference that for most seemed to be “more of the same”, so they left. Those that remained were treated by the Lord to a sovereign outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Maybe we need to re-visit or just hang-in-there for the entree and main course. What we have tasted so far are simply the hors de oeuvres. 

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