Friday, 27 July 2012

A Matter of Discretion

1Samuel 25:2-42: The Story of David and Abigail is a classic romance:
Abigail was mismatched probably by arrangement, to an unfortunate man called Nabal (means foolish) - but he was rich...

 So many Christians today are making a decision to marry, or find themselves married to a non-believing partner. From the point of that cold realisation, it is a struggle to keep faith. If the Christian partner understands that their unbelieving partner’s salvation is not a matter of man's choosing then they are prepared for things to be what they typically become.
1Corinthians 7:14 advises that unbelievers are “sanctified” by a believing partner while they maintain a right relationship. There comes a time though when the Lord (like David) will want some accountability for His grace and favour. The response at that point can determine the future of the relationship.
The Christian partner is wise to consistently seek out the Lord in “the hidden places” and maintain an attitude of intercession. The unbelieving partner may be full of pride and defiance but things will come to a conclusion when sober self-realisation exposes the situation to the cold light of day.
The final outcome is a matter for trust, faith and acceptance. This requires maintaining a place of deep confidence in God’s grace which will ultimately triumph. 

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