Thursday 2 February 2012

An Epidemic of Abuse

The right to smack children has been lost largely because this too often turned to abuse. Poorly educated and financially stressed parents many with abused backgrounds, have been at the centre of this new surge in abuse. Is there a cure?

Home is supposed to be a haven where love and tolerance reign. It seems appearances can be deceiving. Much of the unconscious behaviour we manifest throughout life is learned in the home. Modelling plays a vital role and our children replicate our often hidden behaviour in embarrassing ways. It really is “monkey see, monkey do!”
Healthy open lifestyles are becoming rare as people are turning their homes into a fortress of privacy and insecurity. In better day’s kids and friends rampaged through our homes freely as we had basic possessions and nothing to hide. Now privacy has become a religion and a lot of weird and unhappy stuff goes on behind the closed doors. Inside you will find a bunch of life-consuming technology and of course the ubiquitous TV. All these things keep us from interacting with real people. Problems fester and hospitality dies.
It may not be the whole cure but open-up your home and life to the world. Don’t be driven into your private kingdom. Let the gentle breeze of Jesus blow through all of your so-called privacy and you will find not much worth hiding or protecting. Now you are ready to offer help to the hurting. 

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