Tuesday 14 February 2012

Dealing with the Demonic

A reel to reel tape recording of a disembodied demonic scream convinced me once and for all as a young believer that the demonic is real. Numerous other encounters followed, some were quite dramatic. 
Interestingly, as I continued on in faith, encounters with the demonic have became quite rare. This is because I have become aware of my authority in Jesus Christ and such creatures tend to avoid my notice. At least they stay at a distance or are much more subtle in their machinations
Every believer needs to form a theology of how the demonic realm works around their life. It is evidenced in what seems like minor events.  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour.1 Peter 5:7-9 He is not sure who but he will try everything in a cyclic fashion. (Rides a “try-cycle!”) Key is consistent and increasing frequency of re-occurrence.
I have found that we can sometimes be oppressed by the evil one but rarely does a person become possessed. Oppression is depression, bad dreams, and a constant struggle with sin or bad habits. Possession is madness in a sometimes concealed or repressed way: There is no ability to stop evil behaviour and things are ramping up toward either self destruction or murder. ‘Voices’ come soon to such unfortunates. Deliverance is needed but will only work if there is repentance.
The answer for a Christian who is under attack is very simply: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:6-8. You may need to address the devil in your word-based authority and command him to leave but this is no big deal if you do know your authority. There is no formula, there is simply faith. Faith is standing in Jesus by knowing we are completely secure in Him. 
 Once you become established in Christ, the devil is in the details: We read in Ephesians 6 about the “Armour of God” but in context of the preceding 3 chapters, Paul is describing the sort of things we need armour for and they seem like more innocuous everyday things. They are the things that can bring a believer down.  
Ephesians 4:17 to 6:18:
Put off your old self. Speak the truth. Don’t go to bed angry. Don’t give the devil a foothold. Don’t steal, work! Don’t tear down with your mouth. Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit. Get rid of bitterness, rage and anger, brawling, slander and malice. If something immoral is going on, be the first to go privately and address it, this will expose things to the light of God for healing. Don’t be a drunken fool. Wives, submit to your husband, this will make him love you. Children, obey. Father’s, don’t be harsh. Serve in your job wholeheartedly. Bosses, be gracious.
It is not easy to see the devils in these events but they are making believers ineffective in their faith and bound-up with issues that keep them from living and sharing the gospel.
Find your place in Christ and STAND! 

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