The teaching about God found in the Word of God:
Doctrine=didache in Greek, it means 'to instruct'. Theology derives from Theos=God
and logos=Word.
Luke 1:1-4 “Many have undertaken to draw up an account of
the things that have been fulfilled among us,2 just as they
were handed down to us by those who from the first were
eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 With this in
mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning,
I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most
excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the
certainty of the things you have been instructed in.”
Luke wrote a narrative account in
consecutive order declaring the accepted truths common to the early Church believers.
He mentions the fact that Theophilus (really all believers) are ‘instructed’.
Greek katecheo meaning an organised form of questions and answers; a catechism;
derived from the same word. In Acts 18:25 we read of Apollos who was also
‘instructed’ in the Word that he had learned by catechism. But there were bits
So we begin to see that doctrine
and theological studies are about setting out a systematic order of those
things that are essential to Christian belief. This way we avoid piecemeal
understanding. The goal is that we might “contend for the faith” as encouraged
in Jude 3.
study of doctrine is Theology and there are several approaches to this great
1- Exegetical Theology refers
to drawing out an interpretation of scripture. This can require a use of Bible
languages, archaeology and hermeneutics (establishing the perspective or filter
from which interpretation is drawn.
2- Historical Theology traces
Bible history and Church history along with the viewpoints of scholars down through
the ages. Conclusions and teachings are based on this.
3- Dogmatic Theology is based
in the traditions and formulated creeds of churches. Because this teaching
comes from men and not scripture it has little purpose other than making its
exponents feel secure.
4- Systematic Theology makes an
orderly arrangement of teachings and fundamental doctrines. It places teachings
within sub-headings such as ‘soteriology’ the doctrine of salvation. This is
useful for scholars.
5- Pastoral Theology deals with
the work of the ministry, covering all aspects of leading and administering
6- Biblical Theology traces the
progress of truths through the books of the Bible. Taking a biblical topic and
comparing the various expressions of it in the Old and New testaments etc.
has not limited Himself to any ‘Creeds’, ‘Articles of Faith’ or ‘Doctrinal
Statements’ but reveals himself by illuminating 66 books of the Bible through
the power of the Holy Spirit. Church history is full of attempts to limit God
to such documents and the resulting chaos of denominations and cults is
evidence of this futile behaviour.
pleases God to step over man-made boundaries of understanding and shine a light
on successive revelations of His purposes in His Word. (Psalm 43:3) No system of Theology can be the final authority on
truth, only the Word of God.
apostle Paul prophesied: “The time will come when they will not endure sound
doctrine!”(2 Timothy 4:3). More than
ever we need sound doctrine since there is a concentrated attack by the
philosophies of men and devils. So many churches have now denied the faith by
discarding the truth in favour of their own logical-sounding conclusions. Their
objections to sound doctrine are common:
“It does not make any difference what you believe as long
as you believe in someone God/ Jesus or whatever.” It is impossible to separate
Christ from his teaching; He and his Word are one. See John 7:16-17 where Jesus establishes the authority of His teaching.
“Doctrine is a dry, boring subject; we only need
practical everyday teaching.” Others declare that “experience counts for more
than doctrine.” It is true that doctrine is often discussed in boring ways by
sometimes very dry individuals. The fault lays with the presentation not the
material. The Teacher needs to seek for the unction and ‘quickening’ of the
Holy Spirit as with all Bible teaching. Experience leads to tradition and self
reliance. Doctrine should lead to life, theory to practice, interpretation to
application and teaching to lifestyle. Experience must be governed by
scripture, the subjective governed by the objective, the fallible by the
infallible. Experience without these boundaries will lead to error.
“Doctrine is divisive! This is why we have so many
denominations etc” Doctrine existed before the Church existed, the Church does
not originate doctrine. It is individuals who reject doctrine that cause
division. CP Robb Bell USA
Some claim that there is no system of doctrine
originating from Jesus or the Apostles. This is trumped by Acts 2:42: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching
(doctrine) and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to
prayer.” All teaching in scripture is not laid out in systematic order but is
contained throughout.
“Right attitudes
are more important to God than right doctrine”. This is an immature argument.
Ultimately we grow to be right in attitude and doctrine.
Sources of Doctrine are:
1- God:
Deuteronomy 32:2 “My doctrine shall
drop as rain”. 1Timothy 6:1 “That
the name of God and His doctrine be no blasphemed.”
2- Jesus:
Matthew 7:28 “They were astonished
at His doctrine”.
3- The
apostles: Acts 2:42 refers to the Apostles doctrine, these doctrines are
expressed in Hebrews 6:1-2. We call
them “first principles”.
4- Men:
Matthew 15:9 “teaching for doctrine
the commandments of men.”Ephesians 4:14 warns
us not to be carried about by the winds of (men’s) doctrine.
5- Devils:
1Timothy 4:1-3 warns of the seducing
doctrines of devils.
Doctrine must be pure, sound and scriptural. Titus 2:1: “Speak the things that are
fitting for sound doctrine.” Doctrine must be obeyed. Romans 6:17 “...obedient at heart to the form of teaching..”
Doctrine shapes character and false doctrine corrupts character. Cp. those who maxed
out their credit card after some spurious end-time teachings. See 1Timothy 4:6-16 “pay close attention to
yourself and your doctrine”
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