Tuesday, 7 August 2012

What is the Purpose of the Church?

The Church is primarily a training facility. It is neither a first-aid station nor an entertainment centre though many may see it that way from time to time, maturity changes that.

The real work and ministry of the Church is designed for us to function away from the facility or building where the training takes place. We gather each week for the purpose of encouragement, training and equipping; then we take our spiritual gifts back into our everyday lives to share with the needy.
Why does it seem that Christianity is only fully functioning in church buildings on Sundays? The world looks on in wonder and amusement at the strange change that comes over people when they go to church. “That family over the road lives just like we do but they go all religious on Sundays. What’s with that?”
Church is not just the place for us to practice being a Christian! It is a place to be real and learning to love. We keep our best Christian conduct for our neighbours and workmates on whom we practice our genuine love. We do this by being helpful, praying for their healing and finding ways to bless everyone around us.
We need to discard the idea that displaying our spirituality to one another in Church is what Church is for. There is no room or opportunity for grandstand or competitors. Yes we want to hear from the Lord in scriptural order and we do want to be charged up ready to face the giants in our week but we need to check our attitudes at home first. Prayer will do it!
Our communion is the pivotal point of our fellowship and reveals a key to our attitude: 
1 Corinthians 11:33: “So then, my brethren, when you come together to eat, Wait for one another.” Simply expressed, others first, it’s not about me. 

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