Sunday 17 July 2011

Born Again to what?

For many Christian believers being “Born Again” is like receiving a special “Gold-Card” that provides immunity from some rather unpleasant consequences and becomes the ticket to attend (when the mood strikes) various functions as a card-carrying member of “The Christian Church.”  At least that is how they function in the sight of those who have had a different experience.
When I read the Bible description of “Born Again” I notice that the experience begins with a death; a death to our own life and our own choices. Those who have truly died need to be born again. When they are born again it is to take up a whole new life that is not their own. All choices and self-determinism are gone. The old nature does still surge to the surface to seize control but only briefly because such people ultimately have no desire or even ability to follow those urges.
Actually we are born into a new family of like-minded people and our whole devotion, passion and commitment becomes centered on them. Every church has a minority of such people who are often viewed by the majority as being “over the top” and need to “get a life.” They are really “the usual suspects” who actually do all the stuff.
People either find themselves gently and gradually drawn into that family of dedicated believers for whom church and the things of God have become their life’s passion or they drift away to other things; their own things. They still have “their life”.
The close-knit family of any church exhibits a love for the things of God because they are born again into it.  Happily this addiction is available to everyone and because it comes from the Lord to open hungry hearts.

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