Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Going Against the Grain

Working with timber or carving the Sunday roast requires that you have to decide which way the grain of the wood or meat is running and cut across it to make a good job. It is not that simple when dealing with people.
We like to be liked so we tend to say things that others agree with. In church we are careful to say things that we know will fit with the prevailing theology.

The Law of Reciprocity

Success guru’s, Spirit Mediums, Life Coaches and even some Christians get excited about such ‘buzzy’ sounding titles that make their books and websites look informative. The (so called) ‘law of reciprocity’ simply means “what goes around comes around!” All good deeds are reciprocal. All of the world’s religions use this principle with great effect.

Emotional Maturity

Psalm 103:8 The Lord is compassionate and merciful; He is slow to anger and demonstrates great loyal love. He does not always accuse, and does not stay angry. He does not deal with us as our sins deserve; He does not repay us as our misdeeds deserve; for as the skies are high above the earth, so his loyal love towers over those who fear Him. As far as the eastern horizon is from the west, so he removes the guilt of our rebellious actions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on his faithful followers.  Vs.14 For he knows what we are made of; He realizes we are made of clay.